4,782 acres

Papoose Canyon includes several canyons along the Colorado-Utah border in Canyons of the Ancients National Monument. The canyons begin as rocky arroyos but rapidly cut into the Dakota Sandstone and Morrison Formation to form rugged, steep canyon walls of exposed rock outcrops, boulders, and talus slopes. These canyons are rich in archaeological resources. This region of Colorado and Utah contains a dense concentration of pre-Puebloan sites, as many as 40 to 60 sites per square mile. The area supports numerous species of wildlife, many of which have been displaced from the surrounding uplands due to agriculture and other development activities. Opportunities for solitude and a wilderness recreation experience are outstanding due to the topographic and vegetative screening from the human imprints on surrounding lands. The potential for observation of the cultural heritage adds immeasurably to the experience.